[make_slideshow slug=”imagethink-illustrations-from-maker-faire-new-york” title=”Maker Faire New York: The Auditorium Presentations, Illustrated” link=”Start the Slideshow”]How fun it was to unpack the ImageThink illustration board boxes from Maker Faire New York!
If you didn’t make it in person to the NYSCI Auditorium, the ImageThink team occupied stage right and “live illustrated” twenty of our Maker Faire New York Auditorium presentations.
The illustrations are done on the spot, without premeditation and preparation. The ImageThink crew are all talented visual artists with an ability to synthesize content in real time—communicating the complex ideas of our presenters through compelling graphics.
Maker Faire New York was ImageThink’s second Maker Faire—and this time the team was awarded their very first Editor’s Choice award. Co-founders Nora and Heather were thrilled! “Our industry doesn’t really have an awards program; this is our first!”
If you like the illustrations, you can order prints, notecards and the like from their Maker Faire New York album. Use coupon code mfny2012 for 25% off through October 31.
Now we get to decide where in MAKE offices the murals will go. We’re excited to think about livening up some boring white walls with these fun and stimulating Maker Faire artifacts.