Two weeks ago, at the Intel Developer Forum 2012, we launched the early release ebook of Vintage Tomorrows, by Cultural Historian James H. Carrott and Intel Futurist Brian David Johnson.
In Vintage Tomorrows, Brian and James investigate what Steampunk’s alternate history says about our own world and its technological future. Interviews with experts such as William Gibson, Cory Doctorow, Bruce Sterling, James Gleick, and Margaret Atwood explore how this vision of stylish craftsmen making fantastic and beautiful hand-tooled gadgets has become a cultural movement—and perhaps an important countercultural moment.
Brian will be onstage at Maker Faire New York (see below), and he’ll also be making an appearance in the O’Reilly Media author tent, so you’ve got a couple of chances to catch him at Maker Faire. And if you’re interested in checking out the book, it’s available now as a DRM-free early release ebook (read the book as it’s being written, and get the final version when it’s done). You can even get 50% off the early release (until October 31) with the coupon code MFNY12.