Aiphony’s FLO is a fog screen generated by 3 ultrasonic humidifying devices which cost only 3000JPY.
This is a machine to sorting size and form of vegetables by deep learning.
This ATM blows our money problem away.
Bills are just papers. But he was feeling guilty while kids collected his money.
They make all the music instruments with Japanese traditional tatami (straw mat), a heart-shaped balalaika, cajón, pandeiro, and voice synthesis guitar, literally everything.
It’s very cute to put lace beside the edge of balalaika.
Vocaloid Hatsune-miku guitar, made by tatami.
The man in the navy outfit made all of these instruments. As he told me, he just wanted to preserve Japanese tradition and made them.
There are a ton of fonts in the world. But this machine detects and eliminates only “”MS Gothic” font by deep learning. A guy wears a t-shirt with a message “How come you use MS Gothic to your parents!” Font joke meets deep learning.
Vehicle with 360 degree camera
This is our Despacito makes us dance in summer.
ous Macrame knittings.
These evil looking animals dance with the sounds of vertical flute.
Keynote speech by Dale Dougherty.
Maker Faire Tokyo 2017 just started at noon. More than 500 hundreds people were waiting at the entrance.