Whitney Knitter
Where are you located?
Brooklyn, New York
What is your day job?
Senior R&D Electronics Engineer at Sandia National Labs
Do you attend a makerspace/fablab/hackerspace?
Resistor NYC here in Brooklyn
Visit Whitney’s Website
What kinds of stuff do you make?
SDRs, DSP projects, and anything with an FPGA
How did you get started making stuff
Arduino and Raspberry Pi first gained popularity when I was a freshman in college studying electrical engineering. I immediately loved working with the hardware and connecting with the community they created.
What is something that you’ve made that you’re really proud of?
I get messages from students and professional alike telling me how the detail in my FPGA tutorials really helped them and got them through their projects when they would have been completely stuck otherwise. That’s definitely what I’m most proud of.
What is next on your project list?
I’m teaching myself PCB layout so I can layout my own FPGA development board
what is something you’d like to work with but you haven’t yet?
Quantum computing
Any advice for people reading this?
The best way to learn is by doing. Makeup a project involving whatever concept/tool you’re wanting to learn and just jump in