On O’Reilly’s FYI, Sara Peyton has a brief interview with me about the Maker’s Notebook:
Q: Tell us what made you all decide to create a notebook for the do-it-yourself crowd?
A: We’ve been kicking around the idea of doing a Maker’s Notebook for a while. We figured the MAKE audience was likely big on blank journals and thought it’d be fun to do a project notebook optimized for the readers of MAKE and CRAFT.
There seems to be a significant spike of interest in analog notebooks, journaling, Moleskines, and the like. People seem nostalgic for “analog” writing technologies, such as fountain pens, mechanical pencils, high-quality journals, and vintage stationary supplies. And, of course, the DIY/Maker Movement only seems to be getting bigger, perhaps in part to the state of the economy – people are looking to do-it-themselves. These two interests converge in the Maker’s Notebook
Sara is also running a contest to give away a free copy of the Notebook. Tell her how you’d use or modify a Maker’s Notebook. She’ll chose one winner and send him/her a book. But you’ll need to hurry, the contest ends today.
Q&A with Gareth Branwyn, Editor of the Maker’s Notebook
Order the Maker’s Notebook from the Maker Shed.