Last year’s “Minne Faire” was a hit, and the folks at the Hack Factory are gearing up for the sequel.
I would like to announce that we have selected Sat. April 9th to be the date for this year’s Mini Maker Faire. The Faire will take place from noon until 5pm and there will likely be some sort of after party. Mark your calendars!
This is also a Call for Makers. We need you to fill tables at our event. If you’d like to request a table please e-mail with a description, link, and/or photos of what you’d be presenting. Also include your table size and power requirements. Since the Hack Factory has filled up quite a bit since last year, space is at a premium. We are working with our landlord to free up some extra space for the weekend, but tables will be limited. If needed, table selections may be a juried process.
If you haven’t been to the Hack Factory since last years faire, I recommend you stop by. Our membership has increased substantially over the past year, and the difference you’ll immediately notice is the presence of tools!