Nashville Mini Maker Faire is Looking for Makers - Make: Nashville Mini Maker Faire is Looking for Makers - Make:

Nashville Mini Maker Faire is Looking for Makers

2014 Nashville Mini Maker Faire Banner

The second annual Nashville Mini Maker Faire is coming up on September 13, and they’re looking for makers, entertainers, volunteers, and sponsors. Last year’s Faire was a great success with 30 exhibits and 3,000 attendees. The goal this year is to double both of those numbers, but that is only possible with the support of the maker community. So dust off your laser guided, egg-throwing guitar (if you don’t have one, consider this inspiration) and plan a trip to Music City.

Crafters’ Challenge
When you hear “cycle”, what do you see? Recycle? Bicycle? Water cycle? Baseball cycle? Now put your vision into a crafted piece and enter the Nashville Mini Maker Faire Crafters’ Challenge. All types of creative crafted pieces are welcome, from sculptures to paintings to quilts to wearables to designs and more. Entries will be displayed at the Faire and winners will be chosen by celebrity judges and popular votes. Thousands of people will see your creation. There are only two simple rules:

  1. Your artwork must incorporate your interpretation of the word “cycle”.
  2. You must fill out a Maker application and indicate you are entering the Crafters’ Challenge.

About the Nashville Faire
Forbes magazine recently listed Nashville, Tennessee as the third most creative city in the nation. To those that live in Nashville, this was no surprise. Creativity and ingenuity are the fabric of everything that happens in the area and it shows not only in the music that Nashville is most known for, but also in the tech sector. Home to many of the largest healthcare companies in the nation and with tech start-ups popping up on every corner, Nashville is an ideal place to show off what you’re making. There’s no better place to do that than at the Nashville Mini Maker Faire.

Last year’s Faire featured exhibits by Chris Lee and the Full Scale Millennium Falcon Project, the R2 Builders club, “Super Maker” Jamie Price, and some 3D printer builders from as far as M.I.T. Nashville’s ingenuity not only shows in its adult Makers but also in its young makers; one of my favorite exhibits last year was from a schoolboy that had invented a better stylus for his iPad. I can’t wait to see what last year’s Faire has encouraged other young makers to create and exhibit!

The 2014 Nashville Mini Maker Faire takes place on Saturday, September 13, 2014 from 10am to 5pm at the Adventure Science Center, 800 Fort Negley Blvd, Nashville, Tennessee. This year’s producers are the Adventure Science Center, Anode, and NashMicro.

Here’s a two minute recap of last year’s Faire:

Nashville Mini Maker Faire 2013 - Every Exhibit in 2 Minutes!

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I'm a software architect by day and maker by night. Most of my making revolves around woodworking, electronics, and the combination of the two. I'm also the founder & president of NashMicro - the Nashville Microcontrollers users' group and the father of three future makers. Follow me on Twitter as @ianlee74 or for the most recent news on everything Gadgeteer, follow @gadgeteerin.

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