Hi Crafters! We’ve done some updating to our commenting guidelines on the site and wanted to share them with all of you.
Starting today you’ll see this message before the submit button on a comment.
CRAFT has a “be nice” commenting policy. Don’t say anything here you wouldn’t say to a person’s face. We will use our discretion in removing comments we find offensive, spammy, self-promotional, or mean-spirited. See more on our Crafter Community Guidelines page.
Over the years on CRAFT, we’ve had a pretty open commenting policy. As long as you didn’t use profanity, post patently offensive remarks, or spam, your comments were likely to stay on the site. We also allowed for anonymous commenting.
While this approach allows for the greatest number of voices, we’ve come to feel that it doesn’t necessarily give us the best sense of community here on CRAFT, especially for new crafters who were showing off their projects. We’d like to foster an online environment where you feel like you are able to freely share ideas, ask questions, and basically, think and learn out loud.
In the coming year, we’ll be doing more to expand our CRAFT community online. We’d love to hear your ideas of how you think we can best accomplish this. And as always, thank you for being a loyal reader of CRAFT!