News From The Future - One Hour Or Less Worldwide Delivery Guarantee - Make: News From The Future - One Hour Or Less Worldwide Delivery Guarantee - Make:

News From The Future – One Hour Or Less Worldwide Delivery Guarantee

News From The Future – One Hour Or Less Worldwide Delivery Guarantee




News From The Future – One Hour Or Less Worldwide Delivery Guarantee…

An unmanned military plane billed as the “fastest aircraft ever built” crashed into the Pacific Ocean after a malfunction caused it to stop sending signals while flying at more than 20 times the speed of sound, military officials said…

The flying prototype, called the Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2), plunged into the ocean after shifting into a mode that allows it to fly Mach 20, or about 13,000 mph, according to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which oversaw the test flight.

The rocket-launched vehicle is part of an advanced weapons program, called Conventional Prompt Global Strike, which is working to develop systems of reaching an enemy target anywhere in the world within one hour.

More @ and MSNBC.

Today’s enemies are tomorrow’s best friends, so perhaps this will be a nice way to travel anywhere on the planet in one hour.

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