Open Door hackathon - Make: Open Door hackathon - Make:

Open Door hackathon

Open Door hackathon

One thing many hackerspaces build is a robust entry control system, usually with RFID fobs — sometimes connected to the Internet so you can see who’s in the space or whether a keyholder is present. Well, the hepcats at are holding a contest to design the best access control system that spaces can easily adopt.

The OpenDoor Hackathon is a hackathon to benefit the members of hacker/maker/artist/co-working spaces by creating a standardized, Open Source access and membership management system that can be used by everyone. At the end of the hackathon, the systems (or subsystems) created by each space will be voted upon, and the best system (or combination of systems) will be chosen.

The winners will get an Adafruit Ice Tube Clock kit and best hardware and code will get Minty Boost kits as well.

(The pic is from Luxembourgish hackerspace syn2cat, and features their access control system OpenDuino.)

[Via Hackerspace Challenge.]

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal

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