Open Hardware Summit 2025 Is Headed for Edinburgh - Make: Open Hardware Summit 2025 Is Headed for Edinburgh - Make:

Open Hardware Summit 2025 Is Headed for Edinburgh

Maker News
Open Hardware Summit 2025 Is Headed for Edinburgh

Join us in Edinburgh, Scotland, May 30th and 31st for the Open Hardware Summit. We are so excited to have incredible programming between our speakers, workshop runners, and performers. There’s something for everyone!  Grab your tickets here, and check out the full schedule, including workshop registration, here. If you missed our call for proposals, you can still bring your hardware with you to the event and exhibit it at our tabling session! 

Here are some of the highlights we’re excited about!

We’ll be kicking off the talks on Day 1 with Carson Holgate, who will be telling us all about hacking knitting machines with AYAB!

Talks cover a wide range of topics this year, including open source devices for biodiversity measurement with the MothBox crew.

And Farnaz Baksh and Matevž Zorec will be presenting the Robot Study Companion social bot.

We will hear about growing food with a kitchen table bioreactor with Gerrit Niezen.

Saad Chinoy speaking on the BrailleRap, an open source braille embossing device that has been replicated in Bhutan, Singapore, Philippines, and soon in Cameroon, Thailand, and Cambodia!

There’s two days!

Day 2 is packed with workshops and this year we’ve added panels! You can join Lion Sanguinette and make an OpenCyclone, an open source vacuum cleaner.

Or join Abao in making 1,540,000nm of DDSSC (DIY dye sensitized solar cell) and build a simple cell with customized color and graphics to power a small low power consuming synthesizer.

You can even spend some time with Material Kitchen and play with conductive biomaterials to build a capacitive sensing circuit together that will turn the biomaterial into a sensitive surface that can sense your touch and presence.

Participate in the discussions around the role of open source hardware in medical products, disability forward designs, rocketry, environmental work, and wearable techniques!

We are also happy to collaborate with Helen Leigh and CrowdSupply on a Hardware Happy Hour on the 28th! Plus an official after party Saturday at Wee Red Bar that will feature an OHS-themed drag performance, live data trigger distortions, and cassette tape looping!

Want to know more about the schedule? Check out the official OHS2025 site and find out about the additional 12 talks, 8 workshops, and 26 tables that we couldn’t fit in this article!

See you in Edinburgh!

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lee wilkins

lee wilkins is a cyborg, technologist, and community builder who specializes in lasers, whimsical robotics, and wearable technology.

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