Reader request: Mac-Friendly Version of Make's Balloon Imaging Satellite Project - Make: Reader request: Mac-Friendly Version of Make's Balloon Imaging Satellite Project - Make:

Reader request: Mac-Friendly Version of Make’s Balloon Imaging Satellite Project

Reader request: Mac-Friendly Version of Make’s Balloon Imaging Satellite Project

Jason Miller writes: I’m trying to get the ‘Helium Balloon Imaging Satellite‘ project working from Make Magazine (vol. 24). The project appears not to be very OS X friendly, however. Building the PICAXE controller required time on a Windows PC, and now it looks like I’m not going to be able to download pics from an Aries keychain camera to my OS X laptop.

“Can anyone point me in a direction to get this to work? Some seventh graders are counting on me.”

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Mark Frauenfelder is the founding Editor-in-Chief of Make: magazine, and the founder of the popular Boing Boing blog.

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