Adrian built a RepRap (open source 3D printer) and filmed a time lapse video of the construction, he writes –
At the end of last week I assembled our first RepRap Version 1.0 “Darwin” from scratch and shot a time-lapse video of the entire thing at one frame every three seconds. It took me four and a half hours spread over two days (I have to teach sometimes…).
…This is the first time that I have built the machine (all my work so far has been on extruders), and it went perfectly from his instructions on the RepRap Wiki here. Also, the way that he uses bits of the part-constructed machine as jigs and templates to allow one accurately to build and align other bits is, frankly, inspired. You will notice that the only measurements that I make are with an ordinary tape measure.
RepRap: RepRap wasn’t built in a day – RepRap Blog – Link.