Everyone please give a warm welcome to Collin! He will be our MAKE Flickr photo pool curator. Collin is an artist, musician, and maker fascinated by the realms of sound and vision. After founding SongFight.org and touring the US and Europe with his band, “Breaker! Breaker!”, he began his exploration into the world of electronics which continues today. His adventures with synths, effects, and copper etching can be seen at narbotic.net.
With over 3,390 member and 19,657 photos we needed someone to help find, showcase and write about all the great projects makers are making. Starting today we’ll have more posts on MAKE from the photos you put in the group and we’re going to give away some great stuff from the Maker store for REALLY great projects.
So if you haven’t already, join the MAKE Fickr photo pool here – Link.
Put some photos up! Check back each week (and each day) to see what’s going on in the world of making things!