Sharing EVDO with other computers at the airport... - Make: Sharing EVDO with other computers at the airport... - Make:

Sharing EVDO with other computers at the airport…

Sharing EVDO with other computers at the airport…

I’m at the airport on my way to foo camp at O’Reilly and discovered something really neat- I have an EVDO card that I hacked up the drivers to work on a Powerbook 15″. I turned on my Airport card at the same time, turned on Internet sharing, checked off airport, turned on web sharing and now everyone with me can use my connect as a free Wifi hotspot, which is a better deal than the $10/day deal here. This likely isn’t news to old pros, but news to me. It’s a little like the stomp box in MAKE volume 03. This might also work with XP’s connection sharing, will try that later too. Link. Update: Second life on the parasite PC is doing great! Photo.

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