The Hand-Embroidered Canvas Books of Candace Hicks - Make: The Hand-Embroidered Canvas Books of Candace Hicks - Make:

The Hand-Embroidered Canvas Books of Candace Hicks


A hand-written letter is always a nice gesture, but this series of a hand-embroidered books by Candace Hicks are absolute works of art. The series is called “Common Threads” and consist of pages and pages of thoughtfully hand-embroidered doodlings that mimic the design of a traditional composition book.



Titles like “String Theory” and “The Impossibility of Doing Nothing” give us a hint at the kind of cerebral content of the books, which make sense because the time it took to create these books must have been a perfect way to contemplate the works themselves.



[via Thread Party]

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes.

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