Chuck drops some tools of the week on us –
Toolmonger readers tell us that they consider palm sanders archaic, recommending instead random orbital sanders for more control and power. We looked at a slick new one from Festool that switches between random orbital and pure rotary – to remove material quickly – on the fly. Readers also gave us the low-down on deck screws, comparing Deck Mate’s famous offering to standard square-drive and the more recent LOX anti-camout models. In short: square-drive offers the best price-to-performance deal, but YMMV. MAC Tools also announced an expansion of their spline-type spherical sockets this week. These sockets (like those offered by Snap-on, Husky, and others as well) can handle 6-point, 12-point, splined, Torx, square, and even half-rounded fastener heads. Readers enjoyed our mention of unusual electronics supplier Sparkfun. We met them at Maker Faire, and quickly added them to our “little black book.” Finally, we made our yearly Father’s Day gift recommendation: a good-qualty-but-not-too-expensive pocket knife – the kind he’ll carry every day and use in projects for years to come.
Toolmonger » Toolmonger’s Top 5: The Week In Tools – Link.