Lee writes – “The right tool is 75% of the job, and every now and then a there comes a time when you just don’t have the right tool. Thats when you have to make it! Take this 3 prong earring holder. I love the 3 prong look, but they are the hardest damn things to hold. It finally got to a point where I was just sick of tearing up my fingers, and at that point I started digging thru my “tools I never really use” drawer. In that drawer there sat a pair of solder chipping pliers, and out came the seperating disk. I hacked the top of them off, ground out a good portion of the single side with the grinder, and slotted it for the earing post. Now just make a little triangle shape on the small end, and blammo! 3 prong earring holder. Happy tool making to all!” – Link.