Use a PSP as a joystick with WiFiController - Make: Use a PSP as a joystick with WiFiController - Make:

Use a PSP as a joystick with WiFiController

Use a PSP as a joystick with WiFiController

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David made a program so you can use your (homebrew capable) PSP as joystick, neat – he writes – “This basically turns your PSP into a controller for your PC (running Windows). How it works is that PPJoy provides a way to create a virtual joystick. We can then communicate with this virtual joystick as though it were a real joystick. This is accomplished by running a server in Microsoft Windows. The server just runs in the background waiting for a connection. When you start the WiFiController program on your Sony PSP it will establish a network connection over wireless using infrastructure mode. Once it establishes a connection and obtains an IP address it will connect to the server running on your PC. Once it has connected to your PC it will act just like a regular joystick.” [via] – Link.

Pictured here, our pristine non-upgraded PSP that will be running David’s app.


  • Run Homebrew Apps on Your PlayStation Portable (PSP) – Link.
  • PSP projects from the pages of MAAKE – Link.
  • PSP projects, hacks, mods and more – Link.

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