Orlando-based Maker, community organizer, and father Ian Cole had wanted a tattoo for over 20 years, but as he puts it, he “never had the right combination of art, courage, and cash” — that is, up until a couple of days ago. The design he chose? The Makey robot. The artist? Hoffa at Ascension Tattoo Orlando. Size and location? Right calf, 6″×6″.
Cole explains, “Maker Faire is the embodiment of LOTS of personal learning and personal growth, an amazing adventure with my friends and family, and the best form of community service I could imagine. I’ve met so many amazing people through the Maker Movement and Maker Faire. The Makey robot is the personification of all that awesomeness — that’s why he was worth the pain and the permanence.”
Cole is a highly active member of the Orlando Maker community, being a founding organizer of Maker Faire Orlando, which just celebrated its fourth year this past September; a founder of The Maker Effect Foundation, a non-profit group organized to study and amplify the effects of Makers; and a member of the FamiLab makerspace. In his spare time, he blogs about his family’s adventures in making on his blog called Raising Geeks. It’s safe to say Cole is fully down for the cause.
For more Maker tattoo inspiration, flip back to Make: Volume 35 and the feature on inked Makers, which includes the awesome reusable materials list. If you love the Makey robot, but not enough to get it tattooed on your body, you can 3D print a Makey of your own.