Welding tutorials - Make: Welding tutorials - Make:

Welding tutorials

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Brian writes –

“I’m looking for a good simple tutorial on welding. My local Northern Tool has a cheap Schumacher 70 amp welder for $99, and I figured I’d pick up that, a mask and some rods, and teach myself how to weld (or re-learn, since I allegedly learned how in 7th grade shop class, though you’d never know it now).

Problem is, I don’t know how to start. And I don’t know what constitutes good instruction. Anyone on the MAKE crew have any suggestions?”

Welding resources, projects and more – Link.

Check out the links and comments on the welding resources, there are tons – you can also sign up for a class at a local school, usually pretty cheap.

Also, pick up MAKE 03, we have a welding primer.

Primer: Welding – If you need metal stuck together, there is no quicker path than buying a portable 110-volt wire-feed welder. Mr. Jalopy’s introduction to welding will help you understand the process and show how you can be a welder by the end of the weekend–and end up with a couple of jigs for the effort. MAKE 03 – Page 158 (log in now and start welding).

Makers, post up other suggestion for Brian in the comments!

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