Part of The definitive guide to open source hardware projects in 2009
Wireless and GPS – From an open GPS tracker to a small wireless device that works with the Arduino, this is a fairly new category and likely one that will grow as more spectrum frees up.
The JeeNode is based on an Atmel ATmega 328 – the same as an Arduino – and was inspired by Modern Device’s Really Bare Bones Board, which is like a minimal implementation of an Arduino. The USB communication interface has been removed and any USB-to-TTLSerial based on the FTDI232R chip is guaranteed to work as connection. Being compatible with Arduino boards such as the Duemilanove means that you can use the IDE to upload a sketch using any PC running Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux.
Price: $20 and up
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Open GPS tracker
The Open GPS Tracker is a small device which plugs into a $20 prepaid mobile phone to make a GPS tracker. The Tracker responds to text message commands, detects motion, and sends you its exact position, ready for Google Maps or your mapping software. The Tracker firmware is open source and user-customizable.
Price: $75.00
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Xbee adapter kit
XBee modems are one of the easiest ways to create a wireless point-to-point or mesh network. They have error correction, are configured with AT commands, come in multiple flavors and can create a wireless serial link out of the box. This is an open source Xbee adapter kit, can be used to make a “Tweet-a-watt” – a twittering power monitor.
Price: $10.00 and up
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