Woodshop for kids - 52 Woodworking projects kids can build - Make: Woodshop for kids - 52 Woodworking projects kids can build - Make:

Woodshop for kids – 52 Woodworking projects kids can build

Woodshop for kids – 52 Woodworking projects kids can build

Jack sent in his woodworking project books for kids, he writes – “I’ve used BUILDER BOARDS, which are like giant notched popsicle sticks kids use to make their own playhouse, for over ten years and they are finally catching on at children’s musems. My book gives plans on how to make them. WOODSHOP FOR KIDS is another book which tells how I went about teaching kids how to use tools and build things. All those builders have to start somewhere and I found kids generally don’t know the first thing about tools. Woodship is like the very first book of woodworking. “Link.

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