Bio-friendly drain cleaner - Make: Bio-friendly drain cleaner - Make:

Bio-friendly drain cleaner

Energy & Sustainability
Bio-friendly drain cleaner

From the MAKE Flickr pool

No – it’s not jello! Senseless_ shares his recipe for a homemade drain cleaner

Cooking up a pot of natural drain cleaner to eat away build up in one of our rentals while it/s empty.
7x 16 ounce beers, 5 pounds of sugar, 3 packs of baking yeast and a box of Rid Ex. I’ll let it culture a day or two then pour it down the furthest drain from the septic tank and four days of not running water the gunk will get mostly eaten away before I run a snake through it and no caustic chemicals to eat my pipes…

Seems like a nice alternative to commercial chemicals – anyone have luck using other ingredients?

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