drinkpeedrinkpeedrinkpee is a new eco-exhibit at Eyebeam…
What happens when we think of our bodies as their own ecosystems? Are they open or closed ecosystems? Where do we draw the boundaries? Before we take medication, do we ask ourselves how it will affect our internal organs, our friendly bacteria? What is our medication’s future, beyond our bodies, in the sewage system and out in the waterways we swim in and eventually drink? What are the possible futures of our personal waste? What do sentient ecosystems eat and drink?
In this work we can see our urine become a source of overfeeding, mutation, and disease or a fertilizer in a new lifecycle economy. Waste can spur death or growth.
drinkpeedrinkpeedrinkpee is a project about the role our bodies play in larger ecosystems. The project includes an installation and a diy kit for turning your pee into fertilizer. The installation will be on view and the DIY kits will be available at the exhibition…