Jeremijenko talks art, activism, interspecies cooking - Make: Jeremijenko talks art, activism, interspecies cooking - Make:

Jeremijenko talks art, activism, interspecies cooking

Craft & Design Energy & Sustainability Robotics
Jeremijenko talks art, activism, interspecies cooking

Former MAKE technical advisory board member, techno artist, and environmental activist Natalie Jeremijenko recently gave a speech at the New Cultural Networks conference in Amsterdam. Regine, of we make money not art, was there and blogged her notes of the talk. Natalie talked about her various projects undertaken at New York University and elsewhere, such as Feral Robotic Dogs (sent out to “sniff” levels of various enviro contaminants), How Stuff is Made (a visual encyclopedia of environmental impacts, workplace conditions, etc.), and Ooz (“Zoo” spelled backwards):

Several remote-controlled robotic geese let loose in various urban areas. The robotic goose interacts with the local goose population. The interface allows people to follow the birds closely and interact in ways that would not otherwise be possible. The goose drivers (or “gooser”) can ‘talk to’ the geese through the interface, delivering prerecorded goose ‘words,’ their own vocal impersonations, or other sounds (such as goose flute hunting calls). Each utterance via the robotic goose triggers the camera in the robot’s head to capture 2-4 seconds of video recording the responses of the animal. These video samples upload to the goosespeak database that the participants can annotate.

Natalie Jeremijenko’s talk at Stifo@Sandberg conference – Link


  • MAKE AUDIOZINE – Natalie Jeremijenko – Link
  • Natalie Jeremijenko: The WorldChanging Interview – Link
  • HowStuffisMade (HSIM) – Link
  • Feral Robotic Dogs – Link

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Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at

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