Jim writes – “I am very much enjoying Make 6. I was interested to see another column by George Dyson as well as the article on Steve Roberts. This got me thinking about the design of kayaks and baidarkas through time. George interpreted ancient designs with modern materials. Steve is taking this even further with the inclusion of an entire suite of electronics in a boat whose ancestry can be traced back to traditional kayaks. This brought to mind one of the most prolific makers I know, Harvey Golden. Harvey studies traditional kayaks from museums and sketches and recreates them. He has built a great number of boats and embodies the diy spirit…” – Link.
- Off-the-Shelf Parts, Off-the-Wall Ideas by George Dyson. Looking for the dawn of the digital universe? Check in the basement, next to the lavatory. MAKE 06 – Page 190.
- Tech-Nomading From Shore to Ship by Howard Wen. Twenty-three years ago, Steven Roberts went on a bike trip and never returned. MAKE 06 – Page 28.
- A Treehouse Grows in British Columbia by George Dyson. Three years, 95 feet above the Earth. MAKE 05 – Page 190.