Yahoo! is launching a new program, in search of innovative and environmentally-conscious products to bring to market. They write:
Make It Green is turning great ideas that improve lives and help our planet into actual products. We’re looking for the best green do-it-yourself ideas — and we need you to help us. Submit your idea, and if it’s chosen, you could see your product on store shelves, get your cut of the green in royalties, and possibly appear on the Everyday Edison’s TV show.
Check out the Idea Gallery to see what projects people are submitting. You can give “thumbs up” votes to your favorites to help them decide which ideas might be worthwhile products.
Luke Iseman, former Make: Online contributor, and author of the Garduino project in MAKE, Volume 18, has this computer-controlled “plantsitter” featured as one of the projects on the site. Way to go, Luke!
Make It Green will also be at Maker Faire showcasing various projects, including Luke’s.