Ladyada’s Ranting featured this very simple yet completely awesome project from a forum member, Magician13134 explains –
So, what is a perceptual chronometer? It’s basically a device that flashes numbers very quickly on an LED matrix or a 7-segment display. The human brain isn’t able to make out the numbers since the LEDs forming the number flash, then the LEDs invert (the ones that were on go off and vice-versa) too quickly to make out what they are. Then, during a life-threatening or adrenaline filled situation, if the brain is able to “slow down time”, you can read the numbers.
Inspiration came courtesy of Michio Kaku’s BBC documentary, “Time” –
Even if you never notice reality slow to a crawl, you could always pin a chronometer to your lapel for a very original conversation starter.
Source and PCB available over @ – Perceptual chronometer/Digg Button, and PCB success again!