This is interesting, I wonder how much energy he needs to put in to get a burn, it might not be efficient, but sounds like fun (if it really works. Post your thoughts in the comments!) –
For obvious reasons, scientists long have thought that salt water couldn’t be burned.
So when an Erie man announced he’d ignited salt water with the radio-frequency generator he’d invented, some thought it a was a hoax.
John Kanzius, a Washington County native, tried to desalinate seawater with a generator he developed to treat cancer, and it caused a flash in the test tube…
During several trials, heat from burning hydrogen grew hot enough to melt the test tube, he said. Dr. Roy’s tests on the machine last week provided further evidence that the process is releasing and burning hydrogen from the water. Tests on different water solutions and concentrations produced various temperatures and flame colors.
“This is the most abundant element in the world. It is everywhere,” Dr. Roy said of salt water. “Seeing it burn gives me chills.”
Salt water as fuel? Erie man hopes so – Link.