Baking SMT – toaster oven surface mount component soldering

Baking SMT – toaster oven surface mount component soldering

Wagner writes –

Baking SMT on a cheap kitchen toaster oven is not difficult. You just need some patience and exploration good will. In this page you will read the manual procedure to bake SMD boards into a regular kitchen toaster oven appliance. Follows information about how I produced an automated solution.

Each toaster oven react in a different way, each one, cheap as it is, will produce a different temperature heating and cooling profile curve.

Soldering SMT components to a PCB requires “some” temperature profile, that is, certain temperature for certain time, then other temperature for other time, and so on. This is NOT so much critical, as I experienced. The soldering process happens in one way or another when the everything reaches around 450°F, but critical is the sake of the components on board. Some components can crack immediately if the temperature goes up or down very fast, others don’t show any damage immediately, but they will fail in a month or two (capacitors for example).

Baking SMT – toaster oven surface mount component soldering – Link.

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