A digital stereoscopic viewer - Make: A digital stereoscopic viewer - Make:

A digital stereoscopic viewer

Computers & Mobile

This is pretty neat, the prototype was made with a 3D printer too–

Neochroma is a mobile phone attachment that puts a big screen into the palm of your hand.

The installed base of camera phones has reached 850 million in 2006. 1.5 billion are predicted for 2010 (source: Lyra Research).

While billions of shots are taken every year, tiny screens limit camera phone usage. With Neochroma, a large and vibrant image can be enjoyed instantly.

Neochroma can be used for navigation applications as well.

It is stereoscopic (that is, it shows life-like 3D), and can be built very inexpensively.

Neochroma | Vision | A Digital Stereoscopic Viewer For The Photography And Mobile Markets – Link.


  • Colograms – A simple way to create stereoscopic images – Link.
  • HOW TO – Make a 3D display from cellophane – Link.

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