Congrats to SONY - Now 50% of the DMCAs on GitHub AND German Kid Who Installed Linux on PS3 Going to Prison - Make: Congrats to SONY - Now 50% of the DMCAs on GitHub AND German Kid Who Installed Linux on PS3 Going to Prison - Make:

Congrats to SONY – Now 50% of the DMCAs on GitHub AND German Kid Who Installed Linux on PS3 Going to Prison

Computers & Mobile Technology
Congrats to SONY – Now 50% of the DMCAs on GitHub AND German Kid Who Installed Linux on PS3 Going to Prison

01 Sonywar-2

Congrats to SONY – Now 50% of the DMCAs on GitHub, a milestone to be proud of for sure. But wait, there’s more!

Alexander Egorenkov, known as ‘Graf_Chokolo’ on the internet, was targeting by Sony after hacking the PS3 last year in an attempt to restore OtherOS to the system.

Egorenkov was subsequently sued by Sony and forced to take all material relating to the hack down from his site, which has since been replaced by a donations page to help pay for a court battle with the platform holder.

It seems though that funds have run out for Graf_Chokolo and he is expecting to be sentenced to prison. He told his supporters on his own site this week:

“Hi guys, no money left anymore. Going to jail soon probably because i cannot pay court costs.

Read more. And see our previous article for round up.

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