Wired just posted a gallery of multipod robots which is, somewhat embarrassingly, headlined with “Robo Spiders,” in spite of the fact that almost all of them are hexapods. Looks like somebody over there needs a robobiologist to help them distinguish roboinsects from roboarachnids. Still, interesting browsing for the robophilic. Shown above is a rendering of an evil military spy-derbot that UK defense giant BAE Systems will probably never actually build.
- Robot spider!
- HOW TO – Make electronic spider robot sculptures
- Giant spider bot walker
- Lego hexapod bot
- Complete hexapod part set on Thingiverse
- Pololu’s Micro Maestro hexapod robot
- 1984 hexapod weighed 300 lbs, could lift more than 1 ton
- Hexapod robot CNC router cutting a 3D face
- Hexateuthis, a robotic hexapod
- Amazing ant-inspired robot