HOW TO – Make a Bluetooth handgun handset for your iPhone, ManaEnergyPotion writes-
How to turn an airsoft handgun and a bluetooth headset into a fun, fully functional handset for your iPhone. Pull the trigger to receive calls and to, um, end them. Listen through the barrel, and talk into the grip. I think everyone has made the thumb and forefinger gun-to-the-head sign when someone unpleasant shows up on their caller ID. Eli and I thought it would be fun to make an actual gun handset, and it turned out to be surprisingly straightforward. No glue or powertools were required. Even though it’s not very practical, there’s something so satisfying about ending a call with this handset. Pow. Naturally, this handset works with any cell phone. You just feel like pulling the trigger more if you own an iPhone.
Perfect for this month’s Spy Tech theme and MAKE volume!