Mac OS X Panther on a 25MHz Centris 650 - Make: Mac OS X Panther on a 25MHz Centris 650 - Make:

Mac OS X Panther on a 25MHz Centris 650

Computers & Mobile
Mac OS X Panther on a 25MHz Centris 650

Danamania is attempting to run Mac OS X on an old 25mhz Mac, should only take one week to boot up, nice – “The victi-WMac used for this little project is a Centris 650, with 68MB RAM, a 25MHz 68040 and 4GB drive – JUST big enough to fit my existing PearPC drive image. I admit to cheating when it comes to the OSX install, I plan on using the same Panther drive image as I’d used on my Athlon. I’m only being a little masochistic here, not going completely daft and trying to sit through a 68k OSX install… The waiting while Debian crawls through its own hours-long install is bad enough… According to the developers, PearPC using generic emulation (the only option on a non-x86) runs “about 500 times slower” than the host CPU. Ouch. That makes for a 0.05MHz G3, at the best. That’s around 4000 times slower than the Athlon boots, and since that takes roughly 2 and a half minutes – I’m looking at at least 6.99 days. One week to boot!” [via] – Link.

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