OLPC XO dissection and massive electronics teardown roundup - Make: OLPC XO dissection and massive electronics teardown roundup - Make:

OLPC XO dissection and massive electronics teardown roundup

Computers & Mobile Technology
OLPC XO dissection and massive electronics teardown roundup

Notebookreview took apart the OLPC (one laptop per child) click on through fort he gore – Link.

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iPod sport teardown – Link.

Pure Digital camera dissection – flip video F130W – Link.

Nike+iPod dissection & more – Link.

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Tooth Tunes Musical Toothbrush dissection – Link.

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Mighty Mouse Dissection – Link.

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Roomba dissection – Link.

Wii-mote guts – Link.

 Wiitopsy Ss 9
Wii gutted – Link.

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PS3 gutted – Link.

 Zune Top
Zune gutted – Link.

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PS3 (Playstation 3) controller & iPod shuffle 2.0 taken apart – Link.

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Take apart a Nintendo DS in 13 minutes (video) – Link.

Sony Reader Internals 2.0 (pics!) – Link.

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