The Stealth Router - HOW TO fit a computer inside an UPS case - Make: The Stealth Router - HOW TO fit a computer inside an UPS case - Make:

The Stealth Router – HOW TO fit a computer inside an UPS case

Computers & Mobile
The Stealth Router – HOW TO fit a computer inside an UPS case

Siloraptor writes –

Ever since I’ve started using Linux I’ve been obsessed with doing custom routers and trying to cram as much functionality in the less amount of space possible. ‘Space’ so far being hard drive space, so I set out to build me a new router to substitute the old P5-233 Dell that was working as my firewall. Like pretty much every other hardware project I’ve done, planning was absent in the process as I prefer to do things McGyver-style and surprise myself.

The Stealth Router: How to fit a computer inside an UPS case – Link.

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