If you’re interested in learning more about the Parallax Propeller, or already a die-hard Propeller head, you may want to check out the Unofficial Propeller Expo being held on June 27-28, put on by one of Parallax’s forum members, Jeff Ledger.
Bring your projects to show off, tools to work on collaborative projects, or just come hang out with other creative people.
The Expo will continue into the early morning hours, as Parallax will keep its doors open all night. Who knows what kinds of projects will emerge at 2:00am!
Details regarding hotel reservations can be found here.
Check out the report and photos from our last Unofficial Propeller Event! Also, check out the discussion thread for this event.
BTW: There will also be a Northeast Expo, in Norwalk, OH, on August 22, 2009. Deatils can be found here.