EMP shopping cart locker - Make: EMP shopping cart locker - Make:

EMP shopping cart locker

EMP shopping cart locker

 Files Deriv F97 Br88 F3B4B4Jk F97Br88F3B4B4Jk.Medium
 Files Deriv F5E X3Qh F3Er7Uxw F5Ex3Qhf3Er7Uxw.Medium
Wow, “lock” up shopping carts with a homemade “portable yellow line”… debate in the comments!

Ever noticed a painted yellow line in the parking lot around many supermarkets and retail stores? The magic yellow line emits a signal that causes carts to stop dead in their tracks, preventing carts from leaving the parking lot.

Now you can build your own portable yellow line– with up to a 20 foot range. Need I say more? Hint: it works inside the store.

EMP shopping cart locker – [via] Link.

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