Interesting “GPS-A-Sketch kit” @ The Hacktory… Wil writes –
The idea behind the GPS-A-Sketch was to create an open shareable design that many users could use as the foundation for a modular, user-programmable, portable, GPS receiver. As the technology comes down in price (A Garmin eTrex of slightly lower specs can currently be had for $130), this technology should begin to be used for alternative uses (other than getting directions to the Walmart).
Potential uses could be in entertainment (locative games), art, r/c robotics, tracking and hopefully some things I haven’t even thought of.
The device should be easy to program (with user designed modular libraries), and allow for modular hardware addition, such as WiFi, accelerometers, sensors and interface components. I’ve chosen the Arduino based RBBB from modern devices as the initial processor, because of the vast resources and ease of use associated to the Arduino microcontroller platform, and the tiny form factor of the RBBB.
For now, the cost of a unit comes in at about $130 with the addition of an FTDI cable and shipping, bringing the total closer to $160 on a per/unit basis. Obviously there will eventually be ways to get this cost down below $100, including a single circuit board, and some shared bulk ordering on components.