Mitch writes –
Double the Range of Your TV-B-Gone
With a handful of parts, a solder iron, and about an hour, you can double the range of your TV-B-Gone (R) universal remote control.
TV-B-Gone remotes work great to turn off TVs anywhere you go. But they work even better when they have more power.
We will be adding one more IR emitter to a TV-B-Gone remote, and powering the resultant two IR emitters with larger batteries than the small coin cell battery in the stock TV-B-Gone.
instructables : Double the Range of Your TV-B-Gone – Link.
Ultra TV-B-Gone – 20 IR LEDs + 9V = 90 ft range! – Link.
TV-B-Gone hat – Link.
Get a TV-B-Gone @ the Maker store! – Link.