“The Mad Scientist” sent in these Hypnocubes, they are 3D LED cubes that come in 3-channel Red-Green-Blue (with 4096 possible colors), 2-channel Red-Green (256 colors), and 2-channel Red-Blue (256 colors). The kits are available too, starting at $300-ish – Link.
Update: Dirkus writes – “Actually, the cheapest kit they have is $120, plus $10 shipping for a 2-color cube. The tri-color cube shown here is $170 plus $10 for shipping in kit form. The $300 price is for a completely pre-assembled and tested 2 color cube. If you want to lay down some real cash, you can opt for the tri-color cube pre-assembled: $380 plus $20 shipping. Ka-Ching!”