I really like this DIY jukebox from student @ the Physical Computing class at the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) / NYU – “Welcome to the iTunes Jukebox, a cartridge-based physical interface to iTunes. Using the iTunes Jukebox, during a party you can play your mp3s remotely instead of being chained to your computer. The jukebox is a small tower that houses several jewel cases. As the jewel cases are interchanged, the jukebox communicates with iTunes, changing the songs on demand. In essence, the jukebox allows users to create a physical playlist of their mp3s.
How you use it
Take one of the “cartridges” (an electronically enhanced jewel case), and insert it in an empty slot in the iTunes Jukebox (an electronically enhanced CD tower). The tower is connected to the iTunes software on your computer, and as soon as you insert a jewel case, the song or set of songs associated with that case begins to play.” Schematics and code included – [via] – Link.