In life hacking news, I just learned that Merlin Mann (life hacking pioneer and one-person productivity guru behind 43 Folders) is now an adviser for Values of n (founded by former Hacks series editor Rael Dornfest), the company behind the impressive new Stikkit productivity app. I’m looking forward to seeing some great results from this collaboration between two of my favorite life hackers. If you haven’t tried out Stikkit yet, do so now. It’s a great life hack in itself, which is just getting better and better as it develops, but will also likely be the source of great productivity hacks in the future (note: some power users are already hacking it).
As a bit of an aside, there’s a hack to be found in the links from the Values of n announcement too, a hack in which I have some personal involvement in the telling. Though Merlin was kind enough to leave my name out of his 43 Folders podcast on “the perfect apostrophe,” I am, in fact, the “very nice man whose life [he] temporarily ruined.” While he overstates the damage done by just a tad, his depiction of me as “a character out a 30s screwball comedy” is uncanny:
The link to Merlin’s hilarious podcast isn’t simply gratuitous or intended to feed my own vanity. If you listen carefully, you’ll find a valuable life hack in there, a perhaps more nuanced and intereresting way to “not sweat the small stuff” or, more accurately, to recognize the right stuff to sweat and just get it done. Beyond my obvious involvement as a character in his story, it resonated with me on a number of other levels as well, which I explained in a bit more detail a while back on my personal blog (note: this link, unlike the previous links, is indeed intentionally gratuitous).