Nike+iPod dissection & more - Make: Nike+iPod dissection & more - Make:

Nike+iPod dissection & more

Nike+iPod dissection & more

Nathan from Spark Fun Electronics writes in with some great hackery on the Nike+iPod device…

“In the tradition of ‘you buy it, we’ll break it’, we’ve gotten our hands on one of the nifty running accessories for the iPod. You put a small widget in your shoe, plug a piece of plastic into your iPod, and your iPod will tell you how far you’ve run. Sound simple? Well the hardware is actually surprisingly simple!”

They even made a great mod…

“…A USB to serial adapter to talk directly to the Nike+iPod receiver. Now we just have to wait for the PCBs to come in…

I like this idea a lot. Where RFID requires you to physically get near a reader, this active foot pod can transmit over 10-20ft. You don’t need to think about getting an RFID card out of your wallet, you just let your shoes do the talking.”

Nike+iPod dissection – Link.

More dissections:

  • Wii-mote guts – Link.
  • Wii gutted – Link.
  • PS3 gutted – Link.
  • Zune gutted – Link.
  • Xbox 360 gutted – Link.
  • PS3 (Playstation 3) controller & iPod shuffle 2.0 taken apart – Link.
  • Take apart a Nintendo DS in 13 minutes (video) – Link.
  • Sony Reader Internals 2.0 (pics!) – Link.

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current: @adafruit - previous: MAKE, popular science, hackaday, engadget, fallon, braincraft ... howtoons, 2600...

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