RGB LED kits

RGB LED kits

Rgbled Kit
Usually playing around with multi-color LEDs requires some microcontroller programming and a lot of work, Gerry has some great kits to control LEDs (schematics and source included) –

“RGBLED Controller – Lets you control the exact color of an RGBLED to be one of 16.7 million possible colors via a serial connection. The mRGBLED controller has three channels allowing between 1 and 3 independently controlled LEDs to be attached. The RGBLED controller has 13 channels allowing between 1 and 13 independently controlled RGBLEDs. Each controller has a unique board identifier, so you can daisy chain multiple boards to provide more channels/LEDs…All the projects are free for non-commercial use and include all the schematics, firmware and supporting documentation allowing you to build them yourself.” [via] – Link.


  • LED projects @ MAKE – Link.

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