MAKE reader gnomic has a sweet deal on a new robo mower…
ALMOST FREE to a loving maker that will rip the guts out of it and turn it into something that the world has never seen:
- 1 Robomower RL 850 Robotic Lawnmower – Never Used. Includes:
- 2 motors for turning the wheels
- 3 motors with small mower blades to chop up grass.
- 1 6V deep cycle battery may not work)
- 1 logic controller
- And some other stuff in a box that I haven’t looked at in a couple of years.
No, I don’t have better descriptions and don’t guarantee that this description is right. But the price is right.
Here’s the deal: You have to document your project and send it to Make Magazine. That’s it.
Email me at gnomic AT earthlink d0t net and tell me what you are going to do with it. I’ll pick the best of the first 10 entries (or however many I get in the next 10 days.) You have to be willing to pick the item up in Richmond, VA at a date to be agreed upon sometime in the next 3 months. Its too big and heavy to ship, but will fit in the back seat of most cars.
This unit will make great bones for a robot competition, but if you can think of something more useful, that’s great. Destruction is easy; it takes a real Maker to make it into a great prank, a helper, or a builder. It takes an outstanding Maker to turn it into something that will change the world. Now’s your chance to get a $1,000 robotic lawnmower for the cost of gas and taking pictures of your work.