Becky’s preliminary robot build. Note the use of a sewing bobbin as an idler wheel.
We’re absolutely thrilled with the response we’ve gotten to the Make: Robot Build! The participation on the Forums, Flickr, and on contestants’ personal project blogs has been so inspiring. We’ve heard from a lot of people that this project inspired them to finally get off their behinds to learn basic robotics, microcontrollers, basic programming, etc.
Now we’ve entered into the final build and submissions period. This runs through the final contest deadline of May 7th, but if you’ve already completed your bot, why wait? Please go ahead and submit your form as soon as your robot is finito. It’s going to take us awhile to evaluate them all.
And don’t forget: Everybody that submits a build gets a free Maker’s Notebook!
See all the details about the contest on the Make: Robot Build landing page.
You can find the contest entry form here.