Teensy fridge controller - Make: Teensy fridge controller - Make:

Teensy fridge controller

Teensy fridge controller

From the MAKE Flickr pool:

Flickr user P^2 – Paul created this fridge controller run by a Teensy:

This is a microcontroller-powered temperature controller for a fridge I built out of fabricated necessity and spare parts last weekend.

Backstory: We replaced our ancient 2nd fridge with a big new upright freezer, which left our little chest freezer empty. Sometimes we do need the extra fridge space though during harvest season at the farm, so I figured I could just turn the temperature up on that old chest freezer and turn it into a fridge. Nope. Highest it goes is -4C.

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal nerdage.net

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